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Easter Preparations, Transition Chichester, and South Downs Film Night

With Easter now upon us, the girls have been busy making some Easter gifts for the shop this week. We try and make items that you can’t find in the supermarkets or put our own ‘stamp’ on seasonal items. Rosie has been creating lovely willow wreaths with the fluffy bud now in bloom along with some hearts. Christine has made some all butter organic shortbread Easter bunny biscuits as well as some delicious beetroot brownies. We will also have a few of the hand crafted Noble and Stace Easter Eggs for sale. If anyone wants to pre-order, let me know and I can forward details of price and a photo. There will be some cut flowers on sale as well as some potted plants, ideal for an Eater gift.

Some of you might be aware of the Transition Chichester Swap Shop event that they run every few months. This was extended to having a rail of clothes on this basis at Drapers Yard at Christmas. We have been asked to host the clothes rail over the next few weeks so Sue Gilson will be with us this Thursday morning representing Transition Chichester together with her clothes rail. The idea is for individuals to take items from the rail FOC and to give a clothing item in return. Items given must be in good condition. Please do come along to join us as upcycling items is very much at the heart of what we try and promote at Tuppenny Barn. If you aren’t able to make it this Thursday, Sue will be joining us for the next few weeks, time enough perhaps to search for a swapping item to bring in!

For those of you that might be starting your vegetable patch again during the Easter break, we will be having the first of our vegetable transplants on sale this week, namely a few broad bean plants and some gem lettuces. We will also have some soft fruit bushes grown from our own cuttings.

Abi’s Children’s workshop on 3rd April is nearly full, however, we do have spaces for 10th April for those 6 and older. She will be taking the children on a scavenger hunt, doing some seasonal cooking as well as getting them to do some art work. More details at

The South Downs film night we had on Friday went very well with an enthusiastic question and answer session post film. This was with Nick Stringer the film producer and Nick Heasman who works for the SDNP. Both were hugely passionate about what they do for a job and it was evident that they had an amazing time making the film. I have managed to obtain copies of the DVD for anyone that wants to see the film; I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed as it was quite beautiful in terms of both landscape and wildlife.

The shop will only be open on Good Friday till 12.30.