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Buzzing atmosphere at Taste!, a successful SA inspection, and upcoming Stansted Garden Show

On this sunny afternoon, I am pleased to report that we had an excellent inspection from the Soil Association Inspector on Tuesday and am very grateful to all my growing team for all their help putting the numerous records together. One of the more positive things to come out of compiling all these records is to see what we have been most successful at growing and thoughts of new produce that we might try.

Last night, we held ‘Taste!’ and hosted the launch of the Emsworth British Food Fortnight alongside the passionate foodie/wine raconteur and inspirational community leader Alistair Gibson and Oli Blanc from British Food Fortnight (son of Raymond Blanc). Poor Rosemary Moon was unwell and therefore unable to do her cookery demo. Chantelle from Fresh From the Boat volunteered at the last moment to cover her stint. She prepared a beautiful Plaice with produce from our garden. The centre was full of aromatic food smells coming from the wonderful producers that were there, not least Ben Treagust with his sizzling Harry’s sausages (lemon and lovage were the favourite of the evening). I was delighted that the rather large food hamper was won by one of our very loyal and long-standing veg bag customer – she won’t be short of a drink, chocolate or sausage for a while yet!

Below are details on the key events during the Emsworth British Food Fortnight. You will note that tickets for many events are now quoted as being available from now; we advise booking ahead to avoid disappointment! The full programme will be launched at the Emsworth Show on Monday 28th August.


This coming week, we will be concentrating on our stand preparation for Stansted Garden Show. Please do come and see us if you are visiting what we think must be the best Garden Show in the South. We will be located in the Home and Garden Marquee. There will be a leaflet in the veg bags this week with more info on the Show and for those with young families or grand children, there are lots of things for them to do.