November 12, 2016 – November 12, 2016
Main Road
During this workshop, taught by Carla Allen, ceramicist and teacher of ceramics at South Downs College, we will be making clay shapes and forms inspired by nature, and in combination with natural objects from Tuppenny Barn. Items will be taken away to be fired, and returned for collection from Tuppenny Barn after the workshop.
For those who attended an earlier part of this workshop, your previously fired artwork will be brought in for you to combine and assemble with driftwood, (hopefully which you will have had the chance to find on the beach yourself).
For those who haven’t done the earlier part of this workshop Carla can supply the clay and other resources (e.g. wire) for you to combine and assemble your clay forms. But please bring in your own found driftwood if possible to create your natural sculpture, as this is in short supply and high demand!
No experience is necessary and all abilities are welcome. Cake and coffee provided.
Tickets: £30 if booking for Part II only.