Event details
- Friday | February 12, 2016
- 10:00 am
- Tuppenny Barn, Main Road, Southbourne PO10 8EZ
- 01243 377780
Meet Sophy and Rachel from Southsea Sling Library. They will give individual advice to both new and experienced sling wearers. Find out what is best for you or bring along your sling for advice and tips. The team will have slings available for hire or sale. We welcome pregnant families all the way to pre-schoolers. Drinks and home made cake on sale. Plus toys and books to keep little ones amused!
If you plan to attend please email us in advance.
Southsea Sling Library
Cost of sling hire is £20 for four weeks. We ask you to provide proof of ID including your home address, for instance your driving license, passport or a utility bill, instead of taking a deposit. If you are on benefits such as Income Support we provide a 50% reduction on production of in date evidence, please message us if this applies to you.
– This event is focused on initial brief basic advice, sling hires and sales. Feel free to bring along any slings/carriers you already have for us to advise on. If time allows and numbers of people seeking assistance allows we will assist with any in depth highly specific queries, e.g. demonstrating a specific woven wrap carries etc. The events can get busy and we aim to see all those needing attention, this can limit the time each individual receives. We offer one-to-one consultations, workshops and bespoke events, all including the option to hire outside library event hours just contact us for further details.
– This sling library is run by Southsea Slings Ltd (Co-op Registered in England 31897R) not for profit workers co-op. All proceeds from our work and events are go back into sustaining our work, staffing, providing more slings, carriers, babywearing information, advice and support.
-Check out www.southseaslings.co.uk for a full list of prices for our other services and contact details
We ask you to watch and attend you children carefully and consider the needs of other customers. Buggies can be parked in the room away from fire exits.
Looking forward to seeing you all – Sophy (Fully qualified and insured Babywearing Consultants trained with School of Babywearing CIC) and Rachel