ExpiredChildren’s Holiday Workshop: Half-term Fun – Tuesday 13th February

Event Phone: 01243 377780

We will be exploring what Winter looks like on our tour around the site and think about how we can help wildlife at this time of year; creating journey sticks together as we go. We will be doing some weaving together using natural materials found on site as well as creating clay creations. We will also be doing some seasonal savoury cooking together.

Please make sure your child brings a packed lunch with them and wears suitable clothing- we recommend layering up to keep warm!

Price includes a homemade snack (please remember to bring a packed lunch).


Recommended for ages 6 and above. 

  • February 13, 2024
    10:00 am - 1:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Venue Phone: 01243377780

Venue Website:

Tuppenny Barn, Main Road, Southbourne, West Sussex, PO10 8EZ, United Kingdom