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ExpiredTuppenny Tuesday Night Talks – Sarah Hughes

This is our second of our Tuesday Night Tuppenny Talks and we are delighted to welcome the ever popular and keen environmentalist Wildlife Officer Sarah Hughes to talk on her work.

Chichester District is home to a wide variety of wildlife across a rich diversity of habitats.  Many of the most valuable sites are internationally or nationally designated. The designated sites are the ‘jewels’ of biodiversity in the District, but they cannot exist in isolation.  To maintain them in the long term requires a living landscape around them and connections between them.  This connectivity, allows animals the space to forage, feed & breed, in a wider landscape & also to move between sites, maintaining genetic diversity & allowing them the chance to adapt to changes in their surroundings, both natural & man-made.

 Protecting these corridors is important to ensure the sustainability of future wildlife populations in the District. Chichester District Council will be investing £50,000 over five years in a Strategic Wildlife Corridors project.  The project will deliver a range of actions to enhance the Strategic Wildlife Corridors and safeguard the district’s wildlife. It also aims to help the district’s wildlife become more resilient to environmental change and engage local people with their district’s wildlife. Wildlife needs our help and without it we do not survive as we are part of the web of life. We can all make a difference – let nature improve your garden and provide stepping stones for wildlife to move and migrate across our landscape and record wildlife so we have the retrospective data on the species using our district.

Come along for what will be a fascinating evening with an opportunity for you to put your questions to Sarah.

Free event with donations to Tuppenny Barn.  

Refreshments available – pop up cafe

  • February 25, 2020
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Tuppenny Barn, Main Road, Southbourne, West Sussex, PO10 8EZ, United Kingdom

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