A very Happy New Year to you all!
Hoping you all have had a good Christmas break and enjoyed time with your families.
Despite the weather always being quite bleak in January, it is a time for planning the season ahead so feelings of hope and excitement of the crops we shall sow. We shall be reviewing what grew well in 2017 and look for possible new varieties to sow. We will be expanding our cut flower range and will include roses.
You should have received the new events flyer in your last veg bag which covers the next 6 months. We have some interesting workshops planned as well as a film night on Friday 26th Jan featuring a documentary film that was produced by Big Wave Productions in Chichester on the South Downs, portraying its amazing countryside, people and wildlife. We will have Nick Stringer, the Director and producer of the film, present for a Q & A session as well as a representative from the South Downs Park. Come along for what will be a film truly worth seeing. Book tickets online or via the office.
Christine and I are gearing up for our next joint workshop, this time we will be teaching you how to make marmalade as well as a seasonal jam. There is nothing like tasting your own homemade marmalade, not to mention the lovely aromas it fills the kitchen with. I can guarantee once you taste homemade it is difficult to go back to shop bought. We also make varieties that are less sugar orientated than shop bought, this way you get more flavour and less sugary taste. This workshop is on Sunday 21st January and will include some practical recipes to take home and tasters of what is made. Booking online or via the office.