What lovely weather we have had this weekend. Just perfect for the wedding couple who had their reception at Tuppenny Barn on Saturday. It does mean that it is bringing on the berries super quick so am appealing for any pickers this week or next to help get our harvest in. The gooseberries and redcurrants are over, however the blackcurrants, raspberries and a few more strawberries are there to be picked. The boysenberries are nearly there and I think we will have a bumper harvest with them as they are truly prolific.
Christine and myself are gearing up for our respective forthcoming workshops. I will be running my ‘Edible flower and unusual salad leaf’ one on Friday 14th in the evening. I will be showing you all the different types of edibles that we grow, ideas on how they can be used and tastings. I will also be giving a tour of the more unusual salad leaf that we produce at Tuppenny, also with tastings. There is a glass of bubbly to be had for what will be a fun and informative evening – book online. Christine is running her ‘Skin Deep’ workshop on Sunday 16th July teaching you how to make 4 skincare products using natural ingredients. Our skin is our body’s largest organ and much of what we put on it is likely to be absorbed into our bloodstream. She will teach you how easy it is to make these products that not only are safe for you to use, but are also good for the skin. Book here.
This Friday evening, we look forward to welcoming back the visiting troupe of Shakespeare actors in the form of The HandleBards with ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Tickets have nearly sold out so do get in touch if you want one of the last remaining ones.
This week, Christine is away on annual leave however she has baked some of her much requested black bean brownies for us to sell in the shop. I will be hosting a small group from the local mental health team Prince on Tuesday, who come to us for an away day with an element of Corporate Social Responsibility where we will put them to work in the afternoon.
Last week, we saw the very first newly hatched ducklings on our wildlife pond. We only got a quick glimpse of the 6 of them as the mother appears to have scuttled them away. Am hoping for another sighting soon.