Welcome to Tuppenny Barn
Our vision is to create a better future for our children
through inspiring communities to learn about sustainable and organic food.
Tuppenny Barn is a UK registered charity. We cultivate and harvest organic produce, using this to create learning experiences for all ages and to promote the benefits of growing, cooking and eating healthy food.
From hosting school trips and after-school clubs, to workshops and holiday activities, we teach children where fruit and vegetables come from, the benefits of eating nutritional food and give them the skills to grow and prepare their own meals. We have also established a Young Carers project, which further supports local youth through our unique educational environment.
Our social and therapeutic horticulture group delivers weekly sessions helping support the more vulnerable individuals in our community.
We also provide educational experiences and activities for the wider community, to help people develop their growing and cooking abilities, alongside countryside skills like foraging, wreath making, bee keeping and willow weaving.
Our shop, open every Thursday, sells delicious, fresh organic bread, cakes and bakes, eggs, preserves and the fresh organic fruit, vegetables and cut flowers we grow here.
Our Education Centre has been designed with sustainable principles at its heart and provides a beautiful space for meetings, community and music events, art exhibitions and special occasions like weddings. We also provide a beautiful space for wakes that can be held both inside or weather permitting, outdoors in our marquee.
Help this special place thrive – visit today and find out what Tuppenny Barn can offer you and your community!
Please read our latest Impact Report
Still time to catch up!
Did you miss the Gardeners’ World feature on Tuppenny Barn shown last year? We were lucky enough to be chosen as part of a compilation of 2023 aired on Friday 9th February 2024 on BBC2. The programme is available on the BBC iPlayer via this link BBC Gardeners’ World although you will need to log-in or register to view.
Transforming Tuppenny Appeal.
Our plans for a new multi-purpose learning centre, community café and organic shop will help our charity and our community thrive.