July at the Barn

We hear from the different areas of the charity about what they’ve been up to in our outdoor classroom this July. Social Therapeutic Horticulture The second Veterans Bloom course is now complete, and was a great success! Clients fed back how much they enjoyed the learning, friendships and mutual support...

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June at the Barn

In the Outdoor Classroom There was much excitement amongst the children from Westbourne Primary School; we went bug hunting and found Stag beetle larvae, lizards, a white spider, green dock beetle eggs, ants, centipedes and green Doc Beetle eggs! The arrival of the sunshine has also meant that the damselflies...

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May at the Barn

Things are really moving fast in the beds and polytunnels of Tuppenny; with the arrival of warmer weather and longer days and we are surrounded by that verdant growth of the first flush of spring. We have transitioned the tunnels from the winter salads into the summer crops – such...

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Vegetable of the Month – Leeks

This month’s vegetable is that seasonal favourite, one of the only veggies we’re still cropping, that Welsh helmet garnish, the lovely leek! Fun Facts As a hardy vegetable, we are able to grow leeks year round in the UK. Leeks take about 35 weeks to grow from seed. Not just...

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In the Garden – February 2024

The season is galloping away; February is a very busy month in the Garden! Head Gardener Helen tells us what the team have been doing to get ready for a productive season. The fruit cage We’ve finished pruning everything in the fruit cage; from red and black currants to gooseberries,...

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Rainwater harvesting makes a splash

Thanks to donations and kindness from local companies, essential repairs have been carried out to our water tank at Tuppenny Barn. Southern Co-op – a regional, independent co-operative – made a £2,000 donation that has enabled the liner of the water tank to be replaced. This has boosted the water...

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